I might be the stupidest man alive :) .. I don't even know what my passion is. Sepertinya pertanyaan 'what is your passion' adalah pertanyaan yang gampang ya .. kita bisa liat apa hobi kita, atau apa yg paling senang kita lakukan .. but I don't know why; I cannot seem to have the answer to that.
Now I am 31 years old .. and I am still wondering whether I am doing what I want to be doing with my life. This kinda questions should appear when I was 25!! heck .. when I was 23. But nooooo it has to be now.
Pernah gak, ngerasa bahwa .. what am I doing here? kenapa kerjaan gw kok .. gak menarik ya. Pernah gak ngerasa .. kok my work performance .. mediocre aja yah .. Do I like my job?
A famous person once wrote: .. Ask yourself this: "If today is my last day; will I be doing what I plan to be doing today?".. if the answer is 'no' beberapa hari berturut-turut, you should probably stop doing what you do every day ...
Pertanyaan gw: "Kalo gw mati hari ini, apakah gw akan tetap melakukan pekerjaan gw?" I will try this in the morning for a couple of days .. tapi kok kayaknya jawabannya 'no' yah :p. The problem is with the next question .. "Jadi lo mau melakukan apa?" .. nah I never know the answer to that 2nd question.
So... what should I do?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Oh Guru :)
Walaupun bukan merupakan sebuah permata ... Guru itu lebih berharga dari permata termahal sekalipun .. Ketika seseorang mendedikasikan dirinya untuk membuat org lain menjadi lebih baik dari dirinya .. dia adalah mesin pencetak permata-permata indah penerang dunia :)
Dulu temanku pernah berkata .. guru itu bagaikan jembatan emas yg berkilauan .. tampanya mustahil aku dapat menyeberangi sungai kehidupan dan menjadi manusia yang berguna.
Tapi apabila guru menjadi korup dan malahan merusak anak didiknya .. maka kalian hanyalah SAMPAH. Dan saya tidak perlu sampah... saya hanya perlu memikirkan bagaimana cara melenyapkan mu.
Dulu temanku pernah berkata .. guru itu bagaikan jembatan emas yg berkilauan .. tampanya mustahil aku dapat menyeberangi sungai kehidupan dan menjadi manusia yang berguna.
Tapi apabila guru menjadi korup dan malahan merusak anak didiknya .. maka kalian hanyalah SAMPAH. Dan saya tidak perlu sampah... saya hanya perlu memikirkan bagaimana cara melenyapkan mu.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Moments ..
LuMiNaRa grows sooo fast .. sekarang dia udah mulai bisa ngomong2 sedikit .. udah bisa ngambeg .. udah tau kalo dimarahin .. dan udah bisa pura2 nangis ...
It scares me .. will I be a good dad? kalo gw sayang banget sama NaRa gimana? setiap dimarahin dia langsung pasang muka sedih :(( ... barusan di dapur dia dimarahin ama mamanya ... langsung deh .. bibir ditekuk .. ancang2 mau nangis :p ... gimana kalo udah SMA ya ... moga2 gw dan my wifey can handle her :) Parenthood .. is soooooo ... everything lah.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
wow .. hari ini terlihat lebih cerah :)
Baru aja gw browse through facebook page dari one of my uncles. I just realized that .. he has sooo many kewl pictures. The one where he rode his harley, his MTB cycle, his scoot.. The one where he was fishing, playing golf, travelling. The one with his daughters, and his wifey, his friend.
It struck me .. kok sempet ya? how did he managed to do all of these activities .. how did he found the time to do it? His life seems to be .. fun :) just look at those smile.
At first I thought .. wow I never gonna have the money to do all of those things .. bah, I cannot even buy a decent top of the line folding bike .. let along a harley davidson :). But when I think about it .. sambil melihat jendela kantor gw di bilangan cilandak yg baru saja hujan .. it is not the money that I should think about .. it is how fun and full live can be. Suddenly my window became brighter .. the headache I've been having for the past 2 days gone! .. my heart seems to be rested after a looooong hour of waking up. Aneh .. apakah ini gara2 gw tidur kemaleman karena nonton Germany vs Spain tadi malem.. I thought today will be horrible .. tapi enggak kok :).
Am I wasting my life? Should I do more than what I have been doing lately?
Begitu banyak hal yang setiap hari kita kuatirkan .. sampai we just forgot to .. live. Salah satu quote yang pernah gw denger dari my ex-bos/tutor .. "Slow down the dance ... slow down the dance and hear the music". Sometimes we are so worried about the dance ... we forget to hear the music .. (hell is that even possible???) I think it is! The dance became a routine .. a set of memorized - trained movements... it stopped being a dance because ... well becoz it is just a routine ..
Originally, the quote was a reminder for me and my fellow lawyers at my previous firm .. it was meant to simply remind everyone to stop working once and awhile and .. live. The dance is the work, and the song is .. (wait for it) .. living :) big suprise .. but I do tend to agree.
Kadang gw terlalu pusing pikirin setiap kerjaan yg harus gw selesaikan .. dan setiap bills I have to pay. The mortgage, the loan, the household, the savings, investments etc..
I was told that planning is important (and I still believe it).. but not at the cost of the music... becoz ..dancing is about (i did stopped about 60s when thinking about this)... hell is about expressing the music through movement .. no.. .the better terms is about .. absorbing it .. and sing it again your way .. but with movements ... (oh whatever .. I'm just gonna stop trying to be poetic).
Life is just that .. what we do in our life .. is basically our opinion about life itself. That's why .. kadang2 kerja itu seperti satu2nya hidup loe ... karena memang what we do adalah cerminan langsung dari how you perceive your life ..... sadly .. if that is true .. my life is boring as hell ...
but it is not ... I know I want more out of it .. but it is not that bad ... I might not be like Alexander the Great who counquered Persia .... or Khalid bin Walid the Sword of Allah .. or all other great people in the world (doesn't mean I don't wanna be like them ya). tapi .. life is fun :) .. I just need to take more pictures of me smiling ....
It struck me .. kok sempet ya? how did he managed to do all of these activities .. how did he found the time to do it? His life seems to be .. fun :) just look at those smile.
At first I thought .. wow I never gonna have the money to do all of those things .. bah, I cannot even buy a decent top of the line folding bike .. let along a harley davidson :). But when I think about it .. sambil melihat jendela kantor gw di bilangan cilandak yg baru saja hujan .. it is not the money that I should think about .. it is how fun and full live can be. Suddenly my window became brighter .. the headache I've been having for the past 2 days gone! .. my heart seems to be rested after a looooong hour of waking up. Aneh .. apakah ini gara2 gw tidur kemaleman karena nonton Germany vs Spain tadi malem.. I thought today will be horrible .. tapi enggak kok :).
Am I wasting my life? Should I do more than what I have been doing lately?
Begitu banyak hal yang setiap hari kita kuatirkan .. sampai we just forgot to .. live. Salah satu quote yang pernah gw denger dari my ex-bos/tutor .. "Slow down the dance ... slow down the dance and hear the music". Sometimes we are so worried about the dance ... we forget to hear the music .. (hell is that even possible???) I think it is! The dance became a routine .. a set of memorized - trained movements... it stopped being a dance because ... well becoz it is just a routine ..
Originally, the quote was a reminder for me and my fellow lawyers at my previous firm .. it was meant to simply remind everyone to stop working once and awhile and .. live. The dance is the work, and the song is .. (wait for it) .. living :) big suprise .. but I do tend to agree.
Kadang gw terlalu pusing pikirin setiap kerjaan yg harus gw selesaikan .. dan setiap bills I have to pay. The mortgage, the loan, the household, the savings, investments etc..
I was told that planning is important (and I still believe it).. but not at the cost of the music... becoz ..dancing is about (i did stopped about 60s when thinking about this)... hell is about expressing the music through movement .. no.. .the better terms is about .. absorbing it .. and sing it again your way .. but with movements ... (oh whatever .. I'm just gonna stop trying to be poetic).
Life is just that .. what we do in our life .. is basically our opinion about life itself. That's why .. kadang2 kerja itu seperti satu2nya hidup loe ... karena memang what we do adalah cerminan langsung dari how you perceive your life ..... sadly .. if that is true .. my life is boring as hell ...
but it is not ... I know I want more out of it .. but it is not that bad ... I might not be like Alexander the Great who counquered Persia .... or Khalid bin Walid the Sword of Allah .. or all other great people in the world (doesn't mean I don't wanna be like them ya). tapi .. life is fun :) .. I just need to take more pictures of me smiling ....
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