Since morning I have been reading a lot about what's going on in Libya. Reading up almost all of CNN's pieces in relation to the conflict. I can only say .. sedih ya. It struck me .. at a certain point, we might need to resort to war.... A peace demonstration has turned out in to a full blown civil war .. just like that. Terus, di sisi lain dunia; Colin Firth dan Natalie Portman (such a cute lady) won best actor/actress di Academy Awards. Red carpet terpenuhi dengan aktris2 yang bergelimangan dengan perhiasan .. baju yg indah2 dan seksi2 sekali looh. Dan di Indonesia, kita sibuk dengan koalisi partai dan SBY yang merasa tidak puas dengan koalisinya. Bu Mega yang gak mau ketemu Hatta Rejasa dan memilih untuk makan malam dengan anak2nya. Udah gitu MU kalah ama Chelsea. hehe What I'm trying to say here; is that there is just toooo much information. Too many things going on in the world. But most of them are bad news. At least that is how I feel.
Hence, we come to the title of today's blog: 'how casual is too casual?'
Melihat semua yang terjadi disekitar saya; saya jadi berpikir ... should I do something? Am I actually doing anything for the good of the world? is it better to stay away from these important things and lay low? Are you rather be more or less; then be normal? non special?
Is not like I'm actually dreaming of going to make an impact to the world. Heck, telling my babygirl to sleep on time has been quite a challenge for me! gimana mau bantuin temen2 yang lagi perang saudara di Libya. soooo ... should I be casual (I did not use normal because that word is not catchy enough).
Should I try do bigger things? should I join a political party .. an NGO .. the military!! (hehe military not gonna happen.. unless they start needing overweight soldiers). Naaaah ... I always thought that something bigger start from something small. That is one of the things that I want to tell my babygrrl .. I hope she'll understand.
But doing small things seems so casual ... ya gak sih .. it's like: why is my life sooo petty.. nothing special.. pagi bangun, ke kantor dan kerja, pulang, makan malem, tidur, pagi bangun... seee .. gak ada spesial2nya :). I'm not saying everything is casual .. Luminara is super special :) .. but is that enough. As a father; shouldn't I be fighting the good fight outside and ensure her safety?
hhhhhh .. so many question. Mungkin itulah sebabnya Bapak gw selalu bilang gw terlalu banyak mikir .. akhirnya malah jadi gak ngapa2in. Hey... why should I throw away my options when I don't need to.
Sudahlah .. until the next post ;) .. moga2 tahun ini kok hehe
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