Monday, July 26, 2010


I might be the stupidest man alive :) .. I don't even know what my passion is. Sepertinya pertanyaan 'what is your passion' adalah pertanyaan yang gampang ya .. kita bisa liat apa hobi kita, atau apa yg paling senang kita lakukan .. but I don't know why; I cannot seem to have the answer to that.

Now I am 31 years old .. and I am still wondering whether I am doing what I want to be doing with my life. This kinda questions should appear when I was 25!! heck .. when I was 23. But nooooo it has to be now.

Pernah gak, ngerasa bahwa .. what am I doing here? kenapa kerjaan gw kok .. gak menarik ya. Pernah gak ngerasa .. kok my work performance .. mediocre aja yah .. Do I like my job?

A famous person once wrote: .. Ask yourself this: "If today is my last day; will I be doing what I plan to be doing today?".. if the answer is 'no' beberapa hari berturut-turut, you should probably stop doing what you do every day ...

Pertanyaan gw: "Kalo gw mati hari ini, apakah gw akan tetap melakukan pekerjaan gw?" I will try this in the morning for a couple of days .. tapi kok kayaknya jawabannya 'no' yah :p. The problem is with the next question .. "Jadi lo mau melakukan apa?" .. nah I never know the answer to that 2nd question.

So... what should I do?

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